How Do You Clean Eyelash Extensions at Home?

How Do You Clean Eyelash Extensions at Home?

Hey there, lash lovers! Let's chat about keeping those gorgeous eyelash extensions of yours in tip-top shape. You know, a good clean not only keeps them looking all pretty and fresh but also helps you dodge any nasty eye infections. But hey, I get it, cleaning them at home can be a bit of a head-scratcher. No worries, though—I've got your back with a super easy step-by-step guide to get those lashes squeaky clean without any drama.

Be gentle: Alright, first things first, let's get those lashes wet with a bit of water. Then, take a tiny dab of cleanser and pop it onto a clean spoolie brush or lash cleansing brush. Now, here's where you need to channel your inner zen—gently brush through those lashes in a downward motion. Remember, no tugging or pulling, we're not trying to start a lash tug-of-war here. Give them a good rinse to wash away any leftover gunk.

Pat dry with a lint-free cloth: Once they're all clean, grab a soft, lint-free cloth and pat those babies dry. Rubbing or pulling is a big no-no, 'cause we don't want any lash casualties, right? Just gently dab away the water until they're totally dry.

Brush them out: Next up, take a clean spoolie brush or lash comb and gently work through any tangles or clumps. This is like giving your lashes a little spa day, keeping them looking all neat and perky. Take your time and brush through each lash to make sure they're living their best, fluffiest life.

Repeat regularly: And here's the secret sauce—keep up with this routine on the regular to make sure your lash extensions stay looking fabulous. Try to give them a good clean around two to three times a week. It's all about getting rid of the grime, oil, or any leftover makeup. Trust me, your lashes (and your eyes) will thank you for it!

So there you have it, folks! Follow these simple steps, and you'll be a lash-cleaning pro in no time. Keep fluttering those beautiful lashes!